Classic Church
Sunday Worship
Sung Eucharist takes place every Sunday at 9:30am at Holy Cross , apart from the first Sunday of every month when we join New Way and Classic congregations for a One Way service. The sung Eucharist service is based on the Book of Common Worship, with a variety of musical settings throughout the year. The service is normally led by a robed choir or occasionally by the Holy Cross Singers. There is an area available for parents and young children, with books and toys.
Refreshments are served in the church every week after the service.
Choral Evensong
Evensong is usually held once a month at Holy Cross, and begins at 6:30pm, using the Book of Common Prayer and featuring a wide selection of traditional church music sung by the choir.
Taizé Service
This service is based on the worship of the Taizé Community in France. The service is held alternate months and attracts people from other parishes and denominations.
Midweek Worship
Once a month there is a Eucharist service at Holy Cross which starts at 10:00am on a Wednesday morning. Refreshments are available after this service.